Red wine to kauri gum : the history of Dalmatian emigrations to New Zealand’s kauri gumfields prior to World War I /

Mataga, P. Des

Red wine to kauri gum : the history of Dalmatian emigrations to New Zealand’s kauri gumfields prior to World War I / P. D. [Des] Mataga. - Auckland : Opuzen Press, 2015. - 138 str. : ilustr., faks. ; 25 cm + 1 CD-ROM

Na nasl. str.: First published 2015. Ustanova u kojoj se publikacija čuva: NLNZ, Alexander Turnbull Library (barcode 524600).

Sadrži i dodatke: The Kauri Gum Industry Act : 1898 ; The Immigration Restriction Act : 1899 ; Memorandum introducing the 1917 Register of Aliens ; Effects of war legislation on Dalmatian Immigrants ; Voyaging to New Zealand. Sadržaj na CD-ROM-u: podaci iz dodataka. Skup podataka objavljen na CD-ROM-u uz tiskanu knjigu. Digitalizirano u sklopu projekta Hrvatski iseljenički tisak u listopadu 2022. A dataset on CD-ROM published as an appendix to the printed book. Digitized within the Croatian Emigrant Press Project in October 2022.


Hrvati Hrvatski iseljenici Novi Zeland Knjige

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